Special Thanks to:

Yorkshire tea (vanilla nutmeg brew),
Tooling: affinity designer, ableton live, audacity, vscode, typescript, pen+paper,
Pokemon music mixes on youtube,
Our dog Pacha, our dog Pixie designed to have kidney disease, our cottonmouth snake Flower, our russian tortoise patrick, toad our cat, littlefoot our asshole parrot,
My computer GME of which I do work on (pronounced Jimmy, paid for by the shorts),
Chips and hotsauce,
Rock Climbing,
My ancient dell server Betsy living under my ikea couch, you're a champion, imagine spending 5$/month per VM instead of a few pennies a month for electricity
Rad Dadz (sod wow guild),
Chips and hotsauce (x2),
That soft crunch you hear walking after a fresh snow, that's the stuff

BIG thanks to:

My brother David,
My lovely wife Sydney- who believes in me, It's hard to describe how much that matters!